Pioneertown (4-20-61)
Neither amulet or charms, talismans or phylactery, nor even witches brew could conjure up more beautiful weather. Sunny with soft breezes. Who could ask for more?
Sorry. missed this item last week. Twili and Wally Estell, formerly of Yucca Valley, now residing in Phoenix, Ariz., visited our town with the Ken Bonsers where they were house guests Twili has taken on the distributorship for Deega cosmetics and will be seeing more of us soon.
Another group of horsemen at our corrals claim the riding Trails around here are the very best. They also enjoy the Ranch Hands music and dancing at the Red Dog.
And too a troop of Boy Scouts of America. Troop 151 of Los Angeles. with their leaders camped at the Trailer Park in Stud Valley and enjoyed our town between times of being instructed in the proper handling of firearms. Several encampments have been here, and more slated. They are in all ways well supervised, and it’s a pleasure to have them.
The Ray Whites of Big Bear, original owners of the grocery store on Mane street “back when” visited town and gave the information they had purchased property in Yucca Valley. Our loss is Yucca‘s gain.
Carolyn Evans with little daughter, Lorrie. have decided to stay and make a permanent home in Pioneertown. Carolyn, an old-timer, is looking for a suitable property and business.
“You can’t keep a good man down” says Ronnie Young of the Pioneer Bowl. Bob Bennett who has returned to bowling after suffering two heart attacks is proving this in a big way at Pioneer Bowl, with bigger and better scores than ever.
Harriet and Bob Green are entertaining Bob’s sister, Phoebe Green, a very lovely lady connected with the William and Mary College of Williamsburg, Va. This is Miss Green’s first visit to California and to the desert, and she admits to being completely charmed with it, A note from Bob says: “We are leaving for San Francisco and Reno and may stay.” F’evens sake, we hope you don’t go that broke!
The Marvin Burris family who recently purchased the Dr. Bob Guenther property were in town over the weekend “prettying” up their house and grounds. Plans for much improvement is in the very near future.