AUGUST 5 is the date and the photo shows some of the exciting action that will go with the starting of some 60 to 80 wild burros from Pioneertown’s “Golden Empire Corral” on the long trek from Pioneertown to Big Bear. It is Pioneertown’s first National Burro Derby Days, held in conjunction with Big Bear’s Old Miner Days, an annual event. The name “wild burro” is no misnomer. These burros are captured on the Nevada deserts and are really wild! Early the morning of August 5, the burros will be saddled and leave Pioneertown for Yucca Valley with a lunch stop, then on to Lander and Lucerne Valley for an over night stop, reaching Big Bear the evening of the 7th. The burros will be “housed” and cared for at the Pioneertown Golden Empire Corral from July 31st., to be groomed for the race