New Pioneertown Column By Honey Fellers
A Weekly Feature to Be Titled ‘Star Beams’
by Honey Fellers
We are happy to announce the opening of a new business on Mane Street in Pioneertown.
Vernon and Blackie’5 Meat Ball Corral. Located just West of the Red Dog Cafe. Welcome to the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson.
The Businessmen’s Association, with the help of John ‘Scotty’ Watt are giving the village a “face—lift.”‘ Mane st. has been opened to traffic, and old movie sets along with rubbish which has otherwise cluttered our otherwise pretty street, is being removed.
Community Church has services each Sunday at eleven. All are welcome. New seats have recently been added.
We were sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Althoff’s mother. “Grandma” to all who knew her, had made many trips to the desert. though she was almost ninety years old. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Althoff.
Kathy Newton spent the weekend visiting in Pioneertown. She is now making her home in Bellflower.
Alice and Shorty Cresswell spent the weekend with her parents, Lil and Tomrny Thompson.
Al Little and family weekended at the Townhouse.
Marjorie and Gordon Sando came up from Hollywood to visit with the Bill Bridges.
Marge and Ray White were in town over the weekend taking care of business.
Willie Benoit, new owners of the corral and rodeo grounds says he will soon have several very good riding horses for rent.
Russ Hayden spent several days here making plans for the shooting of his new TV series. Russ had to fly to New York for a conference with sponsors and expects to return to begin work shortly.
It has been rumored that “Flying A” will be coming in soon to make several feature pictures along with their usual TV’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Nobel Olson of Corona came to the desert this weekend to see their friends, the Ole Skares and to make excursions into the hills to see the spring flowers.
Tony and Angie Caliguire spent Saturday and Sunday roaming the hills to take pictures of the flowers now starting to bloom. Tony reports that he has some very unusual photos of flowers never seen by him before, though this has been his hobby for years.
In another two weeks our flowers of the desert should be at the peak of blooming, and it is a most wonderful sight, well worth a week end of seeking them.
Pioneertown, — “Where the Old West Lives Again” — home of the westerns, got off to a terrific start in 1947. Hundreds of southern Californians flocked weekly to this “Wild and Wooly” Town. To the dances with big name western bands-
To free barbecues, to rodeos with star riders, to see movie stars?
To us at that time, Yucca Valley was only a spot on the Highway where we had to turn up a rough, winding road to our beloved hills.
And why then. since our little sister city, Yucca Valley has grown and prospered, why have we been left behind in the race, left at the post. actually for we are just where We were those ten long years ago’! Well, my friends, that is a moot question,and one that has as many answers as people answering,—and probable all of them wrong. But be that as it may.
There are a small band of us who have stayed on, struggling and hoping. There’s smiling Frank Gee at his Golden Stallion, the restaurant beautiful. And his American-Chinese dishes as famous as his smile.
There’s Lil and Tommy Thompson who have had their share of troubles and worries, but still going on being loyal !and Working hard for their business and for the town. And “Jonsey”, at the Red Dog Cafe, who is beginning to see the light now that he has liquor.
He and his partner, Chet Lernpke are doing Very well.
Honey Fellers, in her Real Estate Office has worked hard to earn her reputation; “She’ll tell you the truth, even if it hurts!” We are justly proud of our own little post office and its postmistress, Hester Downing. And, down the wide unpaved street is the Townhouse.
Managers have come and gone, but it stays open, and now under the capable and pleasant management of Ida Skare, an old-timer here. Now, we have three new businesses opening soon. “Vernon and Blackie’s Meat Ball Corral, next to the Red Dog, opening on April 6th. At the rodeo grounds, Willie Benoit says he will soon have several good riding horses for hire. And the ~ old land office is being readied for K. T. Belcher, who will manage the new subdivision just beyond the Pioneertown Village.
And so we go along in our slow but sure way. A little progress here, a little improvement there. And — you know what, people? Well, one of these fine days we are going to show you a thing or two! In the mean time; Yucca Valley, we salute you, and we wish you well. You and the new addition to your family, The Desert Star. Long may it shine!