Pioneer Pass Golf Tournament Discussed at Joint Meeting
BIG BEAR LAKE—The directors meeting on Tuesday, August 18th, at the Corral was attended by Messrs, Ken Bonser, Dick Miller, Gene Albright and Kelly Shugart of Yucca Valley. The purpose of the joint meeting was to discuss plans for the Pioneer Pass Golf Tournament. The days are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Oct. 2, 3, and 4.
The present plan is to start the tournament in Yucca Valley and have the tee-offs and holes spaced at intervals along the Pioneer Pass, some 30 miles and end at Moonridge Golf Course. This will be the most unique golf tournament in history and already is attracting much attention. Hayward Garlow heads the chamber committee. A “Golf Girl’ will be selected from the desert communities and Big Bear. There is no age limit and entrants can be single or married. The “Golf Girl” will be a star guest at the Hesperia Golf Tournament the following week. Deadline for entries is Sept. 1st. Snapshots are required.
The committee reported on its meeting with the Board of Supervisors and public agencies on the Snow Valley Traffic Problem. It was agreed to prohibit parking on the north side of the highway through Snow Valley. This will allow a freer flow of traffic, and be more controllable.
Help is needed to set up the booth at the Los Angeles County Fair at Pomona. The work party has set Sunday, Aug 30. Anyone wishing to help, please contact the chamber office. Also volunteers to man the booth are needed. The dates are Sept. 18 through Oct. 4.
The request for the support of the chamber on having additional areas in the vicinity of Lake Erwin and Sugarloaf closed to hunting and use of firearms was discussed. Carney Baker reported that he submitted the request to the Sportsman’s Club and the club voted to recommend any additional closures at this time and that the present state and county laws prohibit use of fire-arms in habited areas. Also, that it is too late to effect any changes for the coming hunting season.
William Betterly, member of the California Outdoor Recreation committee, stated that at the recent meeting in Apple Valley interesting constructive plans were made for future development.
A report was received from the County Division of Environmental Sanitation that a meeting will be called with certain camp owners soon after Labor Day on the trailer camp problem.
The request for “No Parking” on sections of Highway 18 east of the dam is being studied by the District traffic engineer.