Pioneertown Building For Big Roundup to Be Held Next Fall
“The old West lives again” on the main street of Pioneertown the new desert-mountain community which is now building on a 25,000 acre tract situated on the southeastern slopes of the San Bernardino mountains, 125 miles from Los Angeles. All buildings are being constructed along the lines of the structures that prevailed it typical Western town and the late eighties. (1880’s)
Already erected are the colorful Red Dog saloon. the land office. the Master builders construction office. the quaint Likker barn, Nell’s ice cream Palace, the Pioneertown Hardware store built the “dobe”, the Gem Traders shop, the Pioneertown Gazette and the Printing shop. Construction has also started on a restaurant, dance hall, shooting gallery and bowling alley. Also to be erected are a Hotel, a gay ’90’s cocktail bar, opticians shop, tonsorial parlor, livery stable and numerous other business establishments which will recreate the old west on the colorful main street. No automobile traffic will be allowed on main street we’re hitching posts will replace parking meters but there will be plenty of provision for parking cars in the back of Main Street.
A roundup, a barbecue and square dances are being planned for a date early in the fall at which there will be quarter-horse races down the middle of Main Street, a fashion parade of western clothes featuring Goldwyn girls and many other stars and celebrities of the stage, screen and radio.