Hauser, Bailey Plan Pioneertown Ventures

Gaylord Hauser, eminent author and lecturer on health and diet, was the guest of Benton Lefton, head of The Golden Empire in Pioneertown last week.
Hauser is considering the location of a Health Farm in The Golden Empire, and was there to visit the contemplated site.
Lefton said this visit resulted from a recent meeting in Paris, France, and a more recent conference in Los Angeles, to consider definite plans for the establishment of a large health center in The Golden Empire.
Hauser wrote of Pioneertown in his recent book “Treasury of Secrets,” as one of the most healthful sites in the world, dedicated to happy living.
Jack Bailey, of “Queen For A Day” fame, also visited Pioneertown last week, as a guest of Lefton. Bailey is interested in starting an “Art Colony” in The Golden Empire. Bailey’s hobby is painting, and he feels The Golden Empire will become an ideal mecca for artists from all parts of the world, he said.
While here. Jack brought the house down by doubling at the piano with “Dazzling Dallas” at the Red Dog Saloon, and with “Big Arthur,” at the Golden Stallion.