Category Hollywood
Articles about Hollywood of the desert and the Motion Pictures and Television Productions that took place in Pioneertown.

Pioneertown Is Becoming
Hollywood Of Westerns
These places will be used as movie sets, and in between are propped real false-front sets imported from Hollywood. The towns 300 pre-Hollywood residents will get in the act, too. The barber who runs the “Klip ‘N Kurl” place will play barber for “Cisco Kid.” The town electrician will work the klieg lights; the Red Dog bartender will act movie bartender.

Producer Turns Desert Village Into Made-To-Order Movie Set
PIONEERTOWN, Calif, Nov 30. The Wild West not being so wild anymore, a Western movie company is turning this desert village into a permanent cowtown. This Hollywood version of the good, old days started out to be a resort for Western movie stars with millyuns. Even the stores of the tiny one-street town were built in old-fashioned Western style to make oatburner heroes feel right at home.

Genuine Wild West Town
Springs Up in Desert
The Wild West not being so wild anymore, a Western movie company is turning this desert village into a permanent cowtown. This Hollywood version of the good, old days started out to be a resort for Western movie stars with millyuns. Even the stores of the tiny one-street town were built in old-fashioned Western style to make oatburner heroes feel right at home.

Pioneertown, Realtors’ Version of Old West,
Becomes Movie Producer’s Horse Opera Center
The entrance to the village as a sign "Pioneertown Is This-A-Way." Next sign: "Horseless carriages Aint Aloud on Mane St." Even producer Kranse discreetly parks his Cadillac off the dirt street.

Philip N. Krasne Establishes New Hollywood.
Philip N. Krasne, producer, has established a new Hollywood for western pictures--Pioneertown. One hundred and twenty miles from Hollywood. It has a studio, stage and $250,000 worth of sets purchased from the defunct Enterprise studios.

Desert Search For Autry Horse’s Double
A posse of airplanes, sheriff's officers and cowboys is scouring the desert near Pioneertown for the double of actor Gene Autry's horse Champion.

Boys Rewarded For Horse-Tracking Job
All efforts to locate the horse, which was wearing a $5,000 saddle and bridle, had failed until the boys trailed him for five hours through the San Bernardino mountains

Johnsons Hollywood
Aside to pedestrians: PIoneertown, the new Hollywood for western films near Palm Springs, has a law set down by movie star president Russell Hayden. You can't drive your car on the main street. It's unpaved, will remain that way, and only for horses and people.

Hollywood Film Shop
Taking movies on location is so big a business that a new town has spread up to handle it.
A bunch of Hollywoodities run a clearing in the desert called Pioneertown where the chief thoroughfare is "Mane Street," the hay barn is a sound stage and half the buildings are false fronts.