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Category Old News

Random Old Newspaper Articles from 1946 through 1996. Fifty years worth of the unique history of Pioneertown California.

May 11, 1959 - The Los Angeles Times featured image

L.A. Horsemen Start 350-Mile Trail Ride

Clip-clop of horses' hooves brought back the old days at 1st and Spring Sts. yesterday. The occasion was the start of a horseback ride from Los Angeles to Pioneertown near Yucca Valley, a distance of some 350 miles by Equestrian Trails, Inc., a horsemen's nonprofit organization.
Dec. 29, 1959 featured image

Pioneertown Cafe
Damaged by Fire

About $2,500 damage was suffered at the Red Dog Cafe in Pioneertown at 8:20 a.m. Sunday. The cause of the blaze was not determined. It was put out by fire fighting units of the State Forestry Division and three cooperating units from Yucca Valley Fire District.
Jan. 31, 1960 featured image

43 Horseback Riders Explore Old Cattle
Trails in Pioneertown Area High-Desert

three horseback riders, men, women and two children, from 11 different riding clubs, attended the annual winter ride sponsored by Region 11 of the California State Horsemen's Assn. last weekend at Pioneertown, in the high-desert country located on the eastern slopes of the San Bernardino Mountains in Yucca Valley, according to Region 11s Ride Chairman, Mrs. Marjorie Hambly of San Bernardino.

Horsemen Find Fellowship, Adventure With Equestrian Trails

Realizing the privilege that is mine is having the great outdoors to enjoy with my good steed and my congenial companions, I solemnly pledge that I will not abuse this privilege by any willful act of discourtesy; that I will respect all private property rights, keeping to designated trails, and observing sane and accepted rules of good horsemanship.