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Category Hollywood

Articles about Hollywood of the desert and the Motion Pictures and Television Productions that took place in Pioneertown.

Aug. 8, 1950 featured image


:00 am Sunday morning we take off from Lockheed Airport with GENE AUTRY handling the controls of his twin engine Beech. Gene, with over 3000 air hours in his log book, handles the plane with the same ease and sureness that sends CHAMPION thundering over the plains. We cut thru the now famous Los Angeles smog blanket and keep a date with the rising sun high over the mountains. Forty minutes later Gene puts us down with a perfect landing on a little air strip at the outskirts of Yucca Valley.
Aug. 8, 1950 featured image


Once again we write from, but this time, not about the Home of Western Moviesโ€ฆ Pioneertown. Weโ€™re up here making the last two of the current series of Gene Autry TV pictures, and as usual we love it. Ducan Renaldo and Leo Carillo are in town finishing up their series of โ€œCisco Kidโ€ Tversโ€ฆ so if you want to find anyone in Hollywoodโ€ฆ look in Pioneertown.
Oct. 8, 1950 - New York Times

Give A Horse A Man Who Can Ride

Since the filming of Western movies especially for television requires a different kind of camera technique from that used for theatre films, a new list of qualifications must be met by cowboy stars. They not only have to display winning personalities and look flashy in cowboy regalia, but must know how to ride a horse as well.
Aug. 8, 1950 featured image


Hi Neighbors! Once again our copy is datelined PIONEERTOWN. JEAN, our Missouri Bride and Yours Truly are up here in the high desert this week making a couple of TV Westerns with that bright new Western Star, JOCK Oโ€™ MAHONEY. We sort of feel a bit of paternal pride in JOCK because we were only one of the first Hollywood reporters to wave his flag on high and name him as a rising star. JOCK is really on the busy side now.
Harvey in Hollywood featured image

Harvey in Hollywood

Hi Neighbors! Several times we have said here that TV is going to mean a lot of work for the folks of Hollywood. Another proof came into being today in a survey taken in New York City. It showed that, if run of full schedule, the seven TV stationsโ€™ of Metropolitan New York City could exhibit Hollywoodโ€™s entire annual output of feature films in one week! We believe that just as radio gave the recording industry the best years of itโ€™s production life, so will TV give Hollywood the greatest upsurge of employment ever known. Check with us five years from now so that we can sayโ€ฆ โ€œWe told you so!โ€
Jan. 20, 1951 featured image

Bill Ladd’s Almanac

The thing ran pretty wide and even deeper, and dealt with me impending appearance of Gene Autry, Smiley Burnett, Champion and Little Champ, the Jemez Indians from New Mexico and numerous other attractions.