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Tag Founders

These are newspaper articles with stories involving the founders who developed Pioneertown Ca. USA.

Mar. 24, 1957 feature image

Fall Of Mane St. In Pioneertown

Should anyone know of a boulevardier without a boulevard, the local main street is for hire at $25 a day. In this home of the hoss opera, however, it is called Mane street. There is a big sign as you drive in from the desert hills and it says “Please do not drive on Mane street.” This is sort of a one-yak town.
Oct. 1, 1965 featured image

A ghost town haunted by people

WE ENTERED the central compound of Pioneertown with caution, expecting a fight to tumble through the saloon doors any minute, or the "fastest gun in the West" to make a fast draw. It was soon evident, though, that our fears were unfounded—this town is only a fascinating echo of the West's wild past.
Mar. 3, 1967 featured image

Remember When

The Agua Caliente Indians extended to the Boy Scouts of America a lease in Chino Canyon for a camp, which would not have permanent buildings and would be for the exclusive use of the Boy scouts.
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